How To Recover From A Career Setback
Were you fired? Stayed too long in a dead-end job? Passed over for that promotion? Took that job that turned out to be a huge mistake? These things can be devastating to our self-esteem—and often, to employers’ perception of us. Setbacks can knock you off your feet. But then, you can either choose to wallow in the mud or get back on your feet, stronger than ever.
Here's how to navigate the process and turn a career setback into a stepping stone for future success.
I remember a client who came back to see us after something had gone terribly wrong in his new job. He’d been fired after just three months. He was so hurt and angry that when he walked in the room, it was like he’d brought a dark cloud with him.
It’s OK to feel that way. Maybe they did you wrong and you have every right to be angry, but you’ve got to let it go. You can’t afford to bring negative energy with you when networking or going to job interviews. Do what you need to in order to get past it. Speak with a friend, a therapist, a mentor to get help getting past it. You’ll want to pursue new opportunities without this baggage.
Don’t be afraid to get help, whether it’s from mentors, friends, colleagues or a career coach. This is particularly important to help you overcome the insecurities and negative feelings we all harbor inside. If you isolate, these insecurities can eat you alive. Having once been stuck in a job with a toxic office environment, I remember well that urge to isolate and the overwhelming feeling that no one would ever want to hire me. A kind man noticed my plight and helped me get out of it. Other people can help you rebuild your self-esteem, provide good advice, and help you identify and try new venues.
Many clients have expressed great relief and empowerment after the early part of our work together in which we revisit their past successes. After “marinating” in their success, clients often smile and say, “Wow! I’m pretty good after all.”
Unless you are lucky enough to strike gold right away, there will be times when you’re down and discouraged and tempted to give up. Having a good support team is invaluable. A friend recently got some very negative (and undeserved!) feedback at work. He felt wounded, but fortunately, reached out to people who knew him well. They unanimously said, “That’s not true! My experience of you is…”
My late business partner, Jack Chapman, often spoke of how critical it is to have a “hallelujah chorus” of support around you when undertaking a career move.
What was it that went wrong? Could you have done things differently? What things might you have controlled and what was beyond your control? What can you learn from your mistakes, your actions/inactions, and what might you do to prevent recurrence of such issues? How can you do things differently in the future?
Realize that many very successful people have gone through similar—or much worse--situations. Assess what you learned about yourself, your career, skills, and goals. Are there areas in which you need to build more professional muscle? Would you have been more successful if you had stronger skills in financial management, project management, public speaking, or something else? What can you do to improve that? Seek out professional development courses and opportunities to fill the gaps. Just one source is the LinkedIn Learning section, which has many quality courses—free to those with a premium subscription.
This is a good time to re-examine your career goals and how you’re thinking about reaching them. Should you stay the course? Was this field a bad choice? Have your values, priorities, and perspectives on the world changed, and are your career goals consistent with them? It may be time to set new goals that will be more fulfilling?
After coming to terms with your setback and reevaluating your goals, develop a plan to move forward. What steps do you need to take to get back on track? Do you need new skills (as previously discussed), a new direction, a stronger network? To avoid getting overwhelmed, break it down into manageable steps with realistic deadlines.
Remind yourself that setbacks are a normal part of any career (and most other worthwhile undertakings) and those setbacks do NOT define your worth or potential. Focus on the progress you're making, no matter how small, and keep pushing forward. Celebrate your small wins and acknowledge your progress as you move forward.
Resist the temptation to keep your nose to the grindstone all the time. Do work hard, but also enjoy life, even when you’re looking for the next opportunity. Go to networking events, concerts and plays (there are some free and low-cost ones), get together with friends, take walks in nature. Get out of the house! Be with people! Don’t be ashamed of being in transition. You may find that friends and colleagues are able—and eager—to help.
You might do some volunteer work to contribute, to keep in circulation, and learn about new opportunities. This will also help you to stay upbeat and positive during what can be a discouraging time.
Transitions take time, effort, and persistence. Unlike many things in life, the job search has no clear time markers. In high school, you knew you would graduate after four years. But career transitions are maddeningly murky. You never know which connection might be “the one” that leads to your next position. Many times, clients have been extremely discouraged and talked about throwing in the towel—only to land a great job a few days later. So, do all you can to stay upbeat.
Be patient with yourself as you work through the process, and remember that every step forward, no matter how small, is progress. Stay focused on your goals, and keep taking action, even when the road ahead seems uncertain. Stay positive, knowing that you’re going to find the right situation where you can be happy and contribute in a big way.
Ready to take the next step in overcoming your career setback? Book a time to speak with me. Together, we can create a personalized action plan to help you navigate this challenging phase and emerge stronger than ever. Don't wait—let's turn your setback into a setup for success!
How My Career Coaching Works
Initial Consultation
We’ll start with a free consultation to explore your career goals and challenges. This is where we lay the foundation for your success.
Personalized Plan
I’ll create a tailored coaching plan focused on your unique career aspirations, serving as a strategic guide to unlock your potential.
Coaching Sessions
Dive into one-on-one sessions that hone your resume writing, interview skills, and career planning—equipping you with the tools to excel in a rapidly-changing job market.
Ongoing Support
Receive continuous support and expert guidance as you implement your plan and progress toward achieving your career goals.
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