Your Next Job Interview Could Be Judged by AI: Here's How to Ace It
Artificial intelligence (AI) has already transformed the way companies recruit and screen job applicants, and now it's changing the way job interviews are conducted.
You’ve been staring at your computer screen for hours, racking your brain. Everybody says you’ve got to have results on your resume, but you just can’t think of any.
Some of us would rather stick needles in our eyes than attend networking events. So, we either stay home, or we go because we know we SHOULD go—just like we know we SHOULD eat brussels sprouts and turnips.
Eight Things You Need To Know About Recruiters / Don’t Waste Their Time—And Yours!
Executive recruiters can be great allies in a job search. However, those who choose to rely on them often find they wasted a lot of time in their job search.
Be Careful of LinkedIn and Resume Writing Rip-offs
A man from Glencoe called me about misgivings he was having about the resume he’d received from some online LinkedIn profile writing service. He’d paid a lot! He asked me to view what they’d done and tell him if he’d been scammed.